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Friday, February 10, 2012

An Innocent Card

Have you ever received a card that completely changed your life?

When the time came for Honey and I to tell our parents that they were going to be grandparents we knew two things: we had to tell them in person (my mom’s squeals are best experienced in person) and we had to do something besides just blurt it out!

Having missed my opportunity to be creative when I told Honey we were expecting, I wanted to express some kind of creativity this time around!

We found out we were expecting on October 17 and our next opportunity to see both of our families was Thanksgiving. We relished having such a fun secret to ourselves for five and a half weeks and knew the excitement would only build when we told our families!

We decided to tell them with a card:

THE FRONT: Nicole & Michael invite you to attend...

We nonchalantly handed over the envelope containing the card that was going to change our lives. They opened it…

They read it… and the squealing and hugging commenced! 


They're going to be grandparents... again!
Then we all got to share a big secret! Honey and I weren’t quite ready to share our news with the world but it was fun having our favorite people included in our special news! I had three cards made so that each set of parents can keep their card and Honey and I have one to put in the upcoming baby book. 

…which reminds me, I probably need to get a baby book soon…

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