While we were planning this pregnancy, we weren't exactly planning on our babies having birthdays within days of each other! Baby Snowden #2 is due on May 10, 2014 - two days before Parker's second birthday on May 12th! We don't seem to have the baby-planning thing figured out yet...
Even though we were planning this pregnancy, it was still a bit of a surprise because it happened so fast! It seemed like we discussed it and - boom - I was pregnant. I was still nursing Baby Parker so the usual "I'm late" wasn't going to happen around here.
Instead... It was Wednesday, Aug 28th. Parker and I had just returned home from physical therapy. Wednesday's are busy because Honey has class for his master's degree on Wednesday evenings. We usually see him for a quick dinner between classes. I had been so unbelievably tired the last day or so and suspected that it might be because I was growing a tiny human... So when Parker and I got home, I took a test and there it was. A little blue plus sign...
I was so excited and ran to tell Cash and Parker!! They were both so excited but of course I could have also said "I just drank a glass of water!" and they would be equally excited. I knew we had to tell Honey as soon as he got home but I wanted Parker to tell him. Since the pregnancy happened so quickly, I didn't have any really fun, pint rest-y ways to tell him cooked up.
So, I made a card for Parker to give him and when Honey got home, Parker handed it to him! He thought Parker was giving him something he got at physical therapy that day. The front said:
Guess What...
And the inside said:
I'm going to be a BIG Brother!!
Honey was so excited! We were both so excited! The dream of growing our family was coming true!!
Even though he had to rush off to class shortly after hearing the news, we texted the rest of the night about our excitement and growing family and just let the news sink in.
It felt somewhat similar to the last time I told him he was going to be a daddy. Except the last time he had to rush off across the world for a 5-week deployment! And during those five weeks I had to face both of our families, refuse all wine at meals, and act like everything was normal all by myself!
Even though it has been over 3 months since we found out about Baby Snowden #2 just writing about it reminds me of the overwhelming sense of excitement that we had. And still have for this baby!
I can't wait to meet Baby Snowden #2 and I really can't wait for Parker Bear to become a big brother!!
PS - Don't forget about the fabulous coupon code offered by Peek-a-Whoo for all Suddenly Snowden readers! The code is good through this Wednesday! Click here for details!