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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

So What Wednesday

So What Wednesday

Oh hi there hump day. It must be time to say SO WHAT Wednesday!! As usual I am linking up with Shannon over at Life After I “Dew” and… 

This week I’m saying:

So what if… I had *no idea* that pregnancy brain outlasted the pregnancy? Sheesh, that sucker sticks around!

So what if… I used the term “song movie” when I was trying to describe a musical? I couldn’t think of the word musical!

So what if… Honey and I have *absolutely* no plans to stop using our grill anytime soon even though the temperatures are dropping?

So what if… I let someone besides his daddy, his grandmothers or his nanny keep Parker for the first time last week? (More on that later…) I was in the *exact* same building just around the corner from him the whole time. And we both did great, meaning no tears for either of us!

So what if… I had a recent love affair with some clothes at Target? There was some *cute* stuff there (see next note)

So what if… I just discovered an *adorable* boutique in our town that carries some of my most favorite hard-to-find brands? Yes shopping at Target justifies a few *well deserved* pieces from this boutique that I shall soon see in my closet. Very soon.

So what if… I am super duper overly excited about Parker’s *first* Halloween?

Well that's it for this edition of SO WHAT Wednesday! What are you saying SO WHAT to this week?


  1. Have you picked out a costume for Parker yet?

  2. Stopping by and following from SWW :) I grill out all year long... in the snow and all. Can't wait to see the first halloween costume :)


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