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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

My First Blog Award

I am so excited to share that I was nominated for the *Liebster Blog Award* by not one but two of my favorite followers!! Thank you Mom FITting it All In and Tammy Fantasyland!! If you don’t already follow them then please check them out. My day is not complete until I have read what these ladies are up to!

So what is the Liebster Blog Award? Well Liebster is a German word meaning dearest or favorite and this award allows the recipient to share 5 of their favorite blogs that have 200 followers or less. We also get to share a little bit about ourselves along the way!  

Here are the rules:
  • Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog by mentioning them and linking back to their blog
  • Copy and paste the blog award and rules on your blog
  • Present the Liebster Blog Award to 5 blogs of 200 followers or less who you feel deserve to be noticed by linking them on your page
  • Let them know they have been chosen by leaving a comment at their blog
  • Share 5 random facts about yourself

I am so excited to nominate these remarkable women:
Lindsay @ The Whitelaws

As promised, here are Five Random Facts about me:

I have been shark diving with Great White Sharks off the coast of South Africa. I love sharks. Yes, it’s strange but I can’t help it. So I got to have a dream come true when I was on safari in South Africa and had the opportunity to go shark diving with great whites! Of course I was in a cage (only experienced divers would be in the open ocean with these creatures!) but they swam within inches of my face. It. Was. Amazing. !!

I love chocolate. I can restrict myself when I need to but I absolutely love chocolate! I think chocolate is usually best when paired with caramel or peanut butter. Yum!

I am a total water girl. I love to be in, around or near water! We have a creek in our back yard and the dogs and I can be found down there nearly any given afternoon. Our wedding took place steps from a mountain lake in North Georgia. Growing up my family had a lake house and my brother and I were like little fish that swam around every waking moment. My parents take our whole family to the beach every year and I love that week at the ocean. My favorite water sport is wakeboarding and I am so excited that summer is practically here so I can get back in the water!

I was a dancer my whole life. My mom put me in dance class when I was around 5 years old and I *loved* it! I did all types of dance and was at the studio nearly every evening after school. In high school I was on our dance team and loved performing! I danced until college and then my priorities changed and I didn’t dance nearly as often aside from a few dance/aerobics classes. I wish I never would have stopped! 

Although our first date wasn’t until 14 years later, I met my husband in high school. If you’re a regular follower then you already know our Love Story and how he took me back to where we first met to Propose to Me. My advice to high school girls would be to pay attention to the polite, well-mannered boy sitting across from you in art class. He may just be the man of your dreams!!



  1. ahh girlie! I enjoy reading your blogs SO MUCh and reading as you take ur journey! LOVE ur 5 random facts :)!!!!

  2. Thanks! Will work on my post this week!

  3. Love it! I'm so jealous you go to swim with sharks, although with my fear of the water, I doubt I'd be brave enough! And chocolate with caramel or PB is the BEST - either way ; ) You & the hubs are so cute together!

  4. I LOVE Tammy! She is super sweet an absolutely adorable! The Liebster blog is a fun award and I love your facts! I don't know that I could do the shark thing though. lol

  5. Thanks so much for the award!!! How fun!

  6. Thanks again for the award! :) That is crazy fun that you have swam with sharks. I would have been shitting my pants if I were you!


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