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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

So What Wednesday

Life After I Dew

It’s time to say SO WHAT Wednesday!! As usual I am linking up with Shannon over at Life After I “Dew” and… 

This week I’m saying:

So what if… I’m so excited to organize the shower gifts I received this past weekend? I can’t wait to wash and put what we have so far into the dresser and closet and then organize the changing table baskets. No Parker won’t be here for six more weeks (God willing) but I am so excited to get his things put *away*!

So what if… I loved having Honey come to the gym with me? He came to work out with me on Monday and is coming again today! He is the best “coach” and workout partner for me, just having him there makes me feel like I can do *anything*. I love looking over and seeing him working out right next to me, there’s just something about that!

So what if… I have serious pregnancy brain? I was not prepared for this…

So what if… I love grilling out… nearly every night? Chicken, burgers, vegetables… love, love, love it all!

So what if… I went to our first birthing class alone? I’m learning that military wives do a lot of things alone when they have to. Last week it was attending birthing class alone for me. Fortunately Honey is home and going with me to class tonight! I’m looking forward to having him there!

Well that’s it for this edition of SO WHAT Wednesday! What are you saying SO WHAT to this week?


  1. Oh the pregnancy brain! I think baby brain is real too, so get ready ;)

    I feel you on going to the birth class alone, I am a military wife too and my hubby was gone for *almost* my whole pregnancy, he left at 7 weeks and came back around 36 weeks. It's rough, but we do what we have to! So glad he is able to go with you tonight!

  2. oh i love grilling out too! isn't spring/summer the best!?
    I went to birthing class alone... and it sucked. I felt sooo watched and it kind of made me depressed. I'm excited for your your honey's able to go with you! I'm stopping by from SWW!

  3. I was just introducted to grilled veggies yum yum

  4. I love grilling during the summer! I want to try shish-kabobs soon!


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