This Sunday, sandwiched into a long holiday weekend, calls for a Sunday Picture Dump! Here is a glance at our recent happenings in pictures!
Don't forget the giveaway going on right now! Enter for your chance to win a gorgeous frame from Raised in Cotton! Click here to enter!
These two...
My favorite of his summer pajamas...
Ready for church...
Bright day...
Oh you know, just loafing around...
Taking 15 month pictures...
Honey sent me this one when they went a swingin'...
Oh so the church almost caught on fire. Had to leave the entire building while the fire department checked it out. The experience allowed for this little guy to see a REAL firetruck up close!
Exploring the Pioneer Museum on post...
And his new favorite thing ever? Is this...
Hope you are having a wonderful holiday weekend!

Every picture is so cute!