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Sunday, January 19, 2014

Silent Sunday

A few snapshots of our life lately for a Silent Sunday...

We've mostly been sick lately so life has been quiet to say the least!
My love had a beard over Christmas break. We both miss it!
 Speaking of Christmas Break - and more to come in a later post! - we experienced some travel delays to say the least. Parker was a trooper playing in the airport terminal!
 Parker took in his first 4-wheeler ride and LOVED it!
 Aside from a couple of doctor appointments, we've mostly been playing around the house waiting for the sickies to go away:

 And taking in lots of cuddles...
But we're starting to feel better around here and are looking forward to better weeks ahead!


1 comment:

  1. We are finally better but now Connor is teething again and is a bit pathetic. It's been so nice seeing you pop on my reader each day. Look forward to catching up with you!


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