Once a week, Parker and I attend a baby music class. Our class has about 10 babies close to Parker's age and lasts about an hour. We sing, we dance, we clap, and we play musical instruments. Parker's favorite part is when we dance and sing the "freeze" song! It is impossible not to laugh with him while he dances like a little free spirit!
Every week, Parker and I meet up with our play group. For an hour Parker is completely involved in unstructured play time with about 10 other children. I love this time to play with Parker and some different toys as well as chat with the other mommies all about baby stuff. I have found this time and the new friendships we are making to be so wonderful!
Also once a week, Parker and I have physical and speech therapy. In our home! I will share an update in a separate post about Parker's 5 months in physical therapy, but one huge update is that we have made some changes and are now doing therapy in our home. It is wonderful for his therapists to see him in his natural environment! He is learning so much! We continue to be amazed with our little Parker.
Each week, Parker and I also make a run to my doctor's office for my weekly progesterone shot. More to come on how this pregnancy is progressing and Operation Keep-This-Baby-In-Full-Term. Fortunately the office is close by so we usually swing by after play group.
Music class, play group, therapy, and the shot are the four regularly occurring items on our calendar. In addition to that I try to schedule other social activities for us like play-dates and dinner with friends. I enjoy having a play-date each week or every other week to give Parker some one-on-one time with a little friend. And me the chance to catch up with a girl friend! And then Honey and I try to get together with another couple and their littles for dinner a few times a month too. It's nice to get the families together! And of course there's the occasional party, luncheon, or get-together that I find myself at the center of. But I welcome these opportunities to get together with friends and cherish the time we have with them.
Parker and I usually spend one half-day running errands and at least one day every week is spent completely at home. I am not one of those moms who "has to get out of the house every day"! We are perfectly happy at home playing with our toys, reading books, and talking about trucks. I absolutely treasure my one-on-one time with Parker! Although our weeks get busy, I don't want to have a calendar so jam-packed with events that I miss out on these wonderful moments to share with my sweet boy.
After all we have Cash Dog to remind us to get outside for at least a few minutes each day no matter how cold it is! So don't worry, we're getting our Vitamin D.
Parker still takes two naps a day and I find myself using that time to manage our household from phone calls to emails to laundry to dinner prep. We have settled into such a nice pattern... what a great way to close out the last months of "just the three of us".

I love seeing how other Mommy's spend their days. Glad to hear that Parker is doing so good!! I love how he always has a big smile for his photos.