Saying Goodbye is so hard to do but Army families become experts at it. Before we left Tennessee we said goodbye to several friends and made the best of the time we had left!
Also because we were in the process of moving out, we "camped" in our own home and "picnic'd" in our living room. I learned that living among a maze of boxes for three days is not for the faint of heart. This move is truely a test for this new Army wife!
Here is a review in pictures of our final days in Tennessee and the BIG MOVE!
Celebrating with friends at a Luau
Jack, Parker & Cole after dinner at a friends home. Jack and Cole's dad went to college with Honey!
Parker Bear trying to take a sip of Daddy's beer (he didn't get any):
Visiting with friends one last time:
Saying goodbye to our fun neighbors:
Cash and Honey taking a rest during the big move (see the boxes? They were everywhere!)
This is how more than one moving day nap took place. I would be lying if I said I didn't love it!
Finding a good place to nap was difficult for everyone:
Before our bed was disassembled it worked for Parker's pea pod as long as the movers were also taking a break. Moving is L-O-U-D ! ! !
Our Kitchen.
Luckily Parker was able to find time for reading:
This was half of the NO PACK PILE:
Moving Day - on Day Three the truck came so everything could be loaded:
All three days we ate lunch like this in the living room. Dinner was out to eat!
Saying goodbye to our home!
Out to dinner:
Once our house was empty, we stayed in a dog-friendly hotel before we left Tennessee to head to Atlanta.
Your home looked so beautiful and nice. I bet you are going to miss it, especially since it's Parker Bear's first home. I felt sad leaving our home in Dayton, but I'm excited about finding a home in Texas. It will be first home I own with James.