The day after Twinkle and Bing got here we went to the local fire station to check out the equipment. That same afternoon we visited the C.W. Parker Carousel Museum and rode a very old restored carousel.
Parker's face when he saw the carousel:
Going for a ride!
Having too much fun with Twinkle!
We toured the museum for a bit too.
And then Parker took a nap while Twinkle and Bing finished the tour.
The next day we headed to brunch...
and then went to the Harry Truman Presentidial Library. It was about an hour's drive from us in Independence, Missouri. Parker was happy to explore!
And we had a great time checking everything out!
The next day we took off to historic Union Station to see the train exhibit but unfortunately it was closed as they are updating it. This was Parker's face when he found out the exhibit was closed!
So we headed to the Federal Reserve Bank...
to take a nap while Twinkle and Bing explored.
We had lunch at our favorite, Cafe Gratitude. This is the restaurant that was a grocery store owned by my dad's great-grandparents many years ago!
Parker showed Twinkle and Bing his new tricks too!
And took Twinkle with him to Kinder music class...
And showed her his play group!
The next morning we had lunch in town where Parker walked all around the restaurant!
And then headed here, to the Amelia Earhart birthplace and childhood home. (Isn't it lovely?!)
Parker explored every nook and cranny!
We loved having them visit! Parker enjoyed the extra snuggles with Twinkle...
And all of the playtime with Bing!
As for Cash Dog, he loves having Twinkle and Bing visit too but he loves that they bring his brother Truman to play with every day the most. These two are inseparable!! So sweet.
It was a very full week with lots to see and do and plenty of downtime at home to catch up as well. We already can't wait for them to come back!

Aw =)
ReplyDeleteEven the dog had a visitor!
My goodness, I'm exhausted just reading all the things y'all did! How fun!