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Thursday, May 2, 2013

Baby Got Back

If you’ve ever seen me in real life, you know I have an – ahem – booty. It’s genetic. I work to keep it - and the rest of my body - in check. I go to CrossFit classes three or four times a week and eat clean most of the time.

Even so, bikini ready I am not. This horrible fact was really brought to my attention last week when I went to the beach and put a bikini on. Ack!

So when my gym announced that were offering a four-week boot camp, the timing was perfect. The boot camp is three days a week for one hour. The additional requirements are that you must work out three additional times during the week. And stick to a very strict nutrition plan.

As our coaches say, abs are made in the kitchen.

Ugh, no truer words have ever been uttered. 

So the work outs I can do. Do they suck? Yes. But I think of what I’m working towards. What I want to look like. And it’s only an hour. And I do it.

The nutrition plan is harder. No one is there encouraging you. The opportunity to cheat is everywhere.

But maybe the hardest part is that everything I eat has to be prepared. By me. In my kitchen. No tearing open a bag of chips. No throwing together a sandwich. No. Everything has to be chopped, prepped, and cooked. And that? Is the hardest part for me.

Oh and while I’m in this boot camp? Honey and I are attending a marriage retreat in a nearby town (more on that later), we are hosting both sets of grandparents for a weekend for Parker’s dedication, we celebrate two years of marriage, and we are celebrating Parker’s First Birthday with a no-holds-barred birthday bash. 

Not exactly a "good" time to start such a boot camp. But is there ever a “good” time to say I want to take my fitness and nutrition to the next level? NO! So the time for me is now.

I’m excited about participating and Honey has my back one-hundred-and-ten-percent. He’s doing his own work outs and is fully committed to the meal plan with me. (Is he the best or what?!)

Of course I’ll keep you posted... I kinda have to now right.

Oh the before pics? Don’t ask. I’m not sharing those!

I’m off to the kitchen to prepare another healthy meal!


  1. Ha, you are so cute. Your title made me laugh but you are right. There is really never a great time to start a meal plan. Obviously with company and retreats, you aren't always going to be able to stay on your plan. Don't beat yourself up when you can't keep to it, accept that there are going to be times when you are going to eat unhealthy. Good luck!

  2. Oh wow! This sounds like such a great challenge! I really wish my gym offered meal plans, that's my most difficult area too. I'm sure you're going to do great.

  3. You go girl! At least your Hubs is on board. Mine comes at me most nights with a 72oz bag of chocolate chips begging me to make cookies, lol!


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